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      Selected Publications

Coats, R.N, G. Schladow, A. Heyvaert, and C.R. Goldman.  2022. Ecological Resilience, Climate Change and Environmental Management in the Tahoe Basin.

14 Chapters.  In Review at University of Nevada Press.


Coats, R.N., J. Lewis, and G. Schladow. 2021. Projected climate change impacts in the Tahoe Basin: Recent findings from global climate models.  Quaternary International.  https://doi.org/10.1016/jquaint.2021.01.006


Coats, R.N., J. Lewis, N. Alvarez, and P. Arneson. 2016.  Temporal and spatial trends in nutrient and sediment loading to Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, USA.  Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52(6):1347-1365.


Coats, R., G. Sahoo, J. Riverson, M. Costa-Cabral,, M. Dettinger, B. Wolfe, J Reuter, G. Schladow, and C. Goldman.  2013. Historic and likely future impacts of climate change on Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, USA   Chapter 14, pp. 231-254.  In: C.R. Goldman, M. Kumagai, and R.D. Robarts (eds).  Climate Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters.   Wiley Inc. Hoboken NJ.


Coats, R, M. Costa-Cabral, J. Riverson, J. Reuter, G. Sahoo, G. Schladow and B. Wolfe. 2013.  Projected 21st century trends in hydroclimatology of the Tahoe Basin.  Climatic Change   116(1):71-95.  doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0425-5


Coats, R. N. 2010. Climate change in the Tahoe Basin: Regional trends, impacts and drivers. Climatic Change 102:435-466.

Coats, R. N., M. Larsen, A. Heyvaert, J. Thomas, M. Luck and J. Reuter. 2008. Nutrient and sediment production, watershed characteristics and land use in the Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 44(3):754-776.

Coats, R.N., J. Perez-Losada, G. Schladow, R. Richards, and C. Goldman. 2006. The Warming of Lake Tahoe. Climatic Change 76:121-148. Download PDF

Coats, R. N. 2002. Nutrient and sediment transport in streams of the Lake Tahoe Basin: A 30-year retrospective. In Murphy, D., and P. A. Stine, eds. Proc. of the Sierra Nevada Science Symposium. U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Res. Sta. GTR-193. 301 pp. Albany CA. Download PDF

Coats, R.N., F. Liu and C.R. Goldman, 2002. A Monte Carlo test of load calculation methods, Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 38(3):719-730.

Coats, R. N. and C. R. Goldman, 2001. Patterns of nitrogen transport in streams of the Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada. Water Resources Research 37(2):405-416. Download PDF

Coats, R. N. and M. Powell. 2000. Hydropower, Timber Management and Eutrophication in the North Umpqua River Basin. Watershed Management Council Networker, 9(2):1, 4-6.

Coats, R. N. 2000. Forest Hydromythology: Myths and Misconceptions About Forests, Rainfall and Streamflow. pp. 93-98 In: Proc. of the 7th Biennial Watershed Management Conference of the Watershed Management Council. Boise, ID. at http://watershed.org

Coats, R.N. 1999. Evaporation, Evapotranspiration. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. p. 240 In: D. E. Alexander and R. W. Fairbridge, (eds). Kluwer Academic Press, London.

Coats, R.N. 1999. The Riparian Zone. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. p. 480 In: D. E. Alexander and R. W. Fairbridge, (eds). Kluwer Academic Press, London.

Coats, R.N. 1995. Physical factors affecting salmonid habitat in California estuaries. pp. 114-116 In: J. Duncan-Vaughn, (ed.). Proc. 13th Ann. Salmonid Restoration Federation Conf. Santa Rosa, CA.

Coats, R.N., and C.R. Goldman, 1993. Nitrate transport in subalpine streams, Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada, USA. Supplementary Issue No. 2:17-21, Applied Geochemistry, Presented at the Second International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Uppsala, Sweden, September, 1991.

Coats, R.N., M.A. Showers, and B. Pavlik, 1993. Management plan for an alkali sink and its endangered plant Cordylanthus palmatus. Environmental Management, 17(1):115-127.

Coats, R.N., and L.H. MacDonald, 1989. Use of hydrologic criteria in wetland delineation. Urban Wetlands: Proceedings of the National Wetland Symposium, Association of Wetland Managers, Inc., Berne, NY, pp. 164-172.

Coats, R.N., M.A. Showers, and B. Pavlik, 1989. The Springtown alkali sink: An endangered ecosystem. Fremontia, 17(1):20-23.

Coats, R.N., M.L. Swanson, and P.B. Williams, 1989. Hydrologic analysis for coastal wetland restoration. Environmental Management, 13(6):715-727.

Coats, R.N., 1987. Cumulative watershed effects: A historical perspective. Proceedings: California Watershed Management Conference, Wildland Resource Center, University of California, Berkeley, pp. 107-111.

Coats, R.N., C. Farrington, and P.B. Williams, 1987. Enhancing diked wetlands in coastal California. Proceedings: Coastal Zone '87 Conference, Seattle, WA, ASCE, New York, pp. 3688-3700.

Coats, R.N., L. Collins, J.L. Florsheim, and D. Kaufman, 1985. Channel change, sediment transport and fish habitat in a coastal stream: Effects of an extreme event. Environmental Management, 9(1):35-48.

Coats, R.N., 1984. The Colorado River: River of controversy. Environment, 26(2):7-13, 36-40.

Coats, R.N., and L. Collins, 1984. Landsliding, channel change and sediment transport in a suburban forested watershed: Effects of an extreme event. Proceedings: Symposium on the Effects of Forest Land Use on Erosion and Slope Stability, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI, pp. 165-175.

Coats, R.N. (ed.), 1982. Proceedings: Symposium on watershed rehabilitation in Redwood National Park and other Pacific coastal areas. The John Muir Institute, Napa, CA, 360 pp.

Coats, R.N., and L. Collins, 1981. Effects of silvicultural activities on site quality: A cautionary review. California Department of Forestry, Sacramento, CA, 39 pp.

Coats, R.N., and T.O. Miller, 1981. Cumulative silvicultural impacts on watersheds: A hydrologic and regulatory dilemma. Environmental Management, 5(2):147-160.

Coats, R.N., and T.O. Miller, 1981. Developing best management practices for California forests: A 208 progress report. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 36(4):205-208.

Coats, R.N., 1978. The road to erosion. Environment, 20(1):16-20, 37-39.

Coats, R.N., R. Leonard, and C.R. Goldman, 1976. Nitrogen uptake and release in a forested watershed, Lake Tahoe Basin, California. Ecology, 57:995-1104.

Coats, R.N., R.L. Leonard, and S.L. Loeb, 1975. Removal of nitrogen from snowmelt water by the soil-vegetation system, Lake Tahoe, California. Proceedings: 43rd Annual Western Snow Conference, San Diego, CA.

Coats, R.N., 1971. Indonesian timber. Pacific Research, Pacific Studies Center, Palo Alto, CA, 2(4):9-16.

Coats, R.N., 1970. The California coast - 900 miles of "Tahoe-by-the-sea". San Francisco Bay Guardian, 5(1):4-5.

Coats, R.N., W.A. Geyer, and E.I. Sucoff, 1968. Synecological light coordinates: A verification by light measurements. Minnesota Forestry Research Notes 199.


Publications Co-authored


Lewis, J. and R. Coats. 2020.  Trends in raindrop kinetic energy with modeled climate warming in the Lake Tahoe Basin.  Jour. Am. Water Resour. Assoc.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12834.


Wagenbrenner, J., L. MacDonald, R. Coats, P. Robichaud, and R. Brown.  2015.  Effects of post-fire salvage logging and a skid trail treatment on ground cover, soils, and sediment production in the interior western United States.  Forest Ecology and Management 335:176-193.


Costa-Cabral, M., R. Coats, J. Reuter,, J. Riverson, S. Sahoo, G. Schladow, B. Wolfe, S.B. Roy, and I. Chen.  2013.  Climate variability and change in mountain environments: some implications for water resources and water quality in the Sierra Nevada, USA. Climatic Change 116(1):1-14.


Riverson, J., R. Coats, M. Costa-Cabral, M. Dettinger, J. Reuter, G. Sahoo, and G. Schladow.  2013.  Modeling the transport of nutrients and sediment loads in Lake Tahoe under projected climatic changes.  Climatic Change 116(1):35-50.


Sahoo, G.B., S.G. Schladow, J.E. Reuter, R. Coats, M. Dettinger, J. Riverson, B. Wolfe and M. Costa-Cabral. 2013.  The response of Lake Tahoe to climate change.  Climatic Change 116(1):71-95.


Sahoo, G.B., S.G. Schladow, J.E. Reuter and R. Coats. 2011. Effects of Climate Change on Thermal Properties of Lakes and Reservoirs, and Possible Implications. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA), vol. 25: 445-456. DOI10.1007/s00477-010-0414-z.


Leonard, R.L., L.A. Kaplan, J.F. Elder, R.N. Coats, and C.R. Goldman, 1980.  Nutrient transport in surface runoff from a subalpine watershed, Lake Tahoe, California.  Ecological Monographs, 49(3):281-310.



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